Step Into Your Power with a 20-Minute Reading

Lets get straight to the point with a direct reading and energy offering.

I am excited to offer quick 20 minute readings, with a little bit of magical guidance. These focused readings can often reveal key aspects of your current situation, provide hidden challenges and provide guidance on how to move through them.

Because these sessions are so focused, they offer an intense connection to the cards, cutting out any distractions. This makes them a perfect go you are needing immediate clarity or actionable advice, allowing you to quickly realign your path and move forward with renewed purpose.

These quick readings can work like an energetic power surge that can help you navigate your way out if you have been feeling directionless, exhausted or help to identify any blocks that are preventing you from living your full potential.

In the session we will work with the cards for guidance and then explore how a little magic can assist with creating some energetic shifts to help you THRIVE.

If you don’t see a date available on my calendar, please email me here.