You can interpret the outcome of your spell by paying attention to the way
 a candle flickers and melts. This can be a significant and powerful message. Pay attention to the flame as it might be trying to communicate with you.


Burns bright, clean and with an even melt:
This is a good sign, it represents everything is happening according to plan and that your spell will work.
It will happen easily, but might not happen as fast as you would like.

Burns with a big strong flame or if
the flame is flickering towards you:

The energy in your spell is super-strong, roads are opening for you, everything will come easily with very little resistance. Expect good news fast!

Burns with a flickering flame:
A flame that flickers fast could mean that your spirit guides are around you, they are watching out for you and the flickering flame is them letting you know that your manifestations have been heard. Say ‘Hi’ to them, ask them if they can send you some signs (in my experience they are more than happy to do this, so keep your eyes open for the messages they will bring you).

Burns with a flame that resists going
out or reignites:

This spell isn’t ready to be put out – try focusing on your intention a little longer. This could also mean that some magic was being worked at that exact moment and it needs to burn some more.

Burns with a small flame or a flame that flickers away from you:

Your spell is going to work, but will probably go a little slow. You might face a few obstacles along the way. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Remember, timing is everything!

You can experiment when the flame is like this: try closing your eyes and visualising a little harder. Try to send more energy to the spell. As you do this, imagine being bathed in warm, golden light and magical energy radiating around you. It’s very likely that when you try this, the flame will get bigger.

Burns with a tiny flame:
If the flame is struggling to stay lit, take it as a sign that this spell may not be the right one for you. Have a little rethink – are you really asking the best for yourself right now? Tune into yourself. If you have the slightest feeling in your tummy that you shouldn’t be asking for this, stop immediately.

Burns with a crackling or popping sound:
The spirits are trying to send you a sign and communicate with you.

Burns out before the spell is finished:
Take this as a sign that you shouldn’t be doing this spell. Whoever is watching over you is taking control and you should take notice, this is not to be ignored.

Burns with an asymmetrical melt:
This is a sign that you need to balance some aspects of your life before your spell can work.

Please check all of these things before you start to download messages from you flame:

• A tall flame can be caused by an untrimmed wick.

• Black soot is the result of oils or colorants being exposed to high heat, so probably isn’t a sign.

• Keep the candle away from a direct draft.

Many people say that during spell work with candles you shouldn’t blow them out and you should, instead, clap over it with both your hands. I have always thought that blowing out candles is much like blowing out candles on a birthday cake and making a wish. When you do this you can also watch the smoke travelling and know that it is carrying your intention out to the Universe. So just do whatever feels right!

This is an extract from Mama Moon’s Book of Magic, by Semra Haksever


