We are in a time of expansion at this Super Full Moon in Sagittarius. 

The Full Moon is always in opposition to the Sun - Sagittarius and Gemini polarity is all about the way we think, communicate and express ourselves in the world. 

We are being called to be HONEST - with ourselves and with those around us about who or what we really stand for. With radical honesty, we can develop the self-knowledge we need to release any doubts or limiting beliefs that may be blocking us from up-levelling into the reality of our dreams….

Sagittarius wants to travel long-distance & learn. Sag has a philosophical turn of thought. They need truth, integrity and depth. They view the whole world as their home and often will be found pushing themselves out of their comfort zones.

With Sag's ruling planet Jupiter, planet of expansion and abundance, moving into warrior get-up-and-go Aries from May 10th, we should be feeling a surge of energy to move forward in our lives. After a watery & dreamy winter with Jupiter in Pisces from December until May (in conjunction with dreamy Neptune), this shift into forward motion these past four weeks will feel like a welcome change!

This time is all about TRUST. As we are called to expand out of our comfort zones, to fully express ourselves without holding back, we must cultivate trust in the universe to support us as we expand and trust in ourselves!  Expansion calls for accountability. In order to move forward we often need to step up. We are being called to be HONEST - with ourselves and with those around us about who or what we really stand for. With radical honesty, we can develop the self-knowledge we need to release any doubts or limiting beliefs that may be blocking us from up-levelling into the reality of our dreams.

The Full Moon is the fulfilment of a wish made at the New Moon. What dreams or hopes did you have two weeks ago that have come into being now? Any challenges or tensions that arise around this time are indicators of the unconscious resistance we may need to work through within, in order to live out our dreams and wishes with ease and flow!

Can we open up to receive as we expand into a new reality of our dreams? 

May you all open up to receive and expand into the reality of your dreams with trust and radical honesty at this Full Moon in Sagittarius! 

Click here for a spell from MamaMoon to help connect you to the Sagittarius full Moon....  💫
